Rowley Lane, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 0JD


Beyond the classroom

At Rowley Lane we have a number of different opportunities for pupils to be involved in the life of our school beyond the classroom.  This may be from being involved in extra-curricular activities but also from being involved in different pupil groups within school.  This allows for excellent personal development of pupil involved.  It also provides excellent role model behaviours for our younger pupils to aspire to and learn from.   

School Council 

Our school council is made up of two pupils from each year group.  Each year we make sure that there is one representative from each class in the year group and also that each year group had one boy and one girl representative.  Pupils are invited to put themselves forward to their classmates and given time to deliver a short presentation should they wish.  Their fellow pupils then vote for who they would like to represent them.  An assembly on democracy always takes place beforehand so that the pupils understand the process.  Our school council get involved with putting new ideas forward, supporting the school with developments and sharing messages back with members of their class. 

S.S.O.C. (School Sports Organising Crew)

Each year a group of Year 6 pupils are selected to be part of the school sports organising crew.   They receive full training from Linda Stacey, our School Games Organiser from SPIN (Sports Partnership in Newsome).  They learn how to organise and lead activities during the school day and often help with leading sporting activities beyond the school day.  They lead and model the sporting values which are: Honesty, Teamwork. Respect; Self-Belief; Passion & Determination.  Our School Sports Organising crew meet with Mrs Senior, our PE lead person each week and can be seen in the playground at lunchtime leading mini intra-school competitions.  They also lead an assembly in the Autumn term each year to introduce themselves and their role to the rest of the school. 

Play Leaders

Our Year 5 pupils are all trained as Play Leaders through our involvement in SPIN (Sports Partnership In Newsome).  All pupils who want to be involved go on a rota and have the responsibility of organising games in the playground during the lunchtime break.  The younger children love playing games with them.  They can easily be spotted as they wear their Playleader jackets when they are on duty.

Extra Curricular Activities 

At Rowley Lane there are a number of extra curricular activities, some that are run internally by our staff and some that are run by external groups.  There is a cost for the external groups and an ask of a contribution towards material costs for some activities that are run by school staff.  Any pupil who is eligible for means tested free school meals can access any of the clubs for free as the funding is taken from the Pupil Premium funding received within our budget.  Due to the number of children in our school, we tend to limit the offer of clubs to specific year groups in blocks of time (usually a half term block).  We rotate these round so that over time, different pupils have access to different clubs.  The clubs on offer from staff tend to change over time.  All external club providers are DBS checked and have to have their own safeguarding procedures in place or sign up to our school's own Safeguarding policy.  

Clubs that are on offer are:

Football - run by Andy Crooks - KS1 & KS2 - Cost involved

Multi sports - run by Sam Mir Sports - Funded by school

Fidget Feet - dance rub by Fidget Feet company - cost involved

Art Club - run by school staff - KS2 - donation towards costs of materials

Crafting Club - KS1 - Run by Emily Henman (external) - cost involved

Drama Club - Y5&6 - run by school staff - free but cost of tickets for production

Champions Club - run by Sam Mir Sports - Cost involved

Hand Chimes (Autumn Term only) - run by school staff - Free

Glee Club (singing) - run by school staff - Lunchtime club - free

Young Voices - run by school staff - Free but cost of tickets to see event - part lunchtime part after school

Surprise Club (Spring Term) - Y2 - run by school staff

Tutoring Sessions - run by school staff - funded by the catch up funding.

Other clubs that ran last academic year and may be on offer later this year:

Gardening Club - run by school staff - free

Running Club - run by school staff - free

History Club - run by school staff - free

In addition to the clubs that run, we also sign up to take part in a number of sporting events that are organised by SPIN including:

Cross Country

Y6 Football (Boys & Girls)

Y4 & Y6 Cricket

Netball (Y5&6)

Y6 Sporthall Athletics 

SEND Events


Year 6 Responsibilities

Our Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to take on certain responsibilities throughout the year.  They write a letter to share their skills and why they think they would be well suited to certain jobs in school.  The type of responsibilities they have are:

Librarians - Looking after our school library and helping to lend the books out each morning breaktime.

Assembly monitors - Being responsible for setting up the assembly and controlling the computer for any slide shows and the songs and music. 

Year group PAs - Carrying our organisational tasks for class teachers at lunchtime such as filing work away, tidying and sorting resources, preparing the classroom.

Trolly monitors - Moving the lunchbox trollies each morning and afternoon so they are outside the classrooms at the beginning and end of everyday but near the lunch hall at lunchtime. 

Bell Monitor- To be responsible for ringing the bell at the end of playtime each day.