Rowley Lane, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 0JD


Contact Us

Write to us:

Rowley Lane J, I & N School

Rowley Lane, Lepton



Email us: - for general enquiries - use this for emergency out of hours contact - for enquiries relating to REACH out of school care - for SEN enquiries or enquiries relating to LAC.

All teachers have their own email address, however they may not access these during the day because they are teaching.  If you wish to get in contact with a teacher it is best to do this via the office or head initially.

We try our very best to respond to all enquiries as quickly as possible, we appreciate your patience when times are busy.  

Telephone us:

01484 222745 - we use this number for all enquiries.  There are no separate extensions, please just ask for the person you wish to speak to. 

There is usually someone in the office from 7:30am until 6pm in the evenings.  We have several lines coming into school so on occasions it is not possible to answer when the staff are dealing with another enquiry.  If you do not get a response, please try again later or try emailing.