Rowley Lane, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 0JD


Year 6 - Hyenas & Hawks

P.E.  Days from February 24th are:

Hyena Class - Tuesday & Wednesday (both outdoor)

Hawk Class - Wednesday & Friday (both outdoor) 

Please ensure your child comes dressed in correct P.E. kit on those days.

Year 6 is a very exciting year as pupils enjoy being the eldest in the school and excellent role models for the younger children.  Our learning activities are interesting, challenging and engaging and are designed to equip all pupils with the necessary knowledge, skills and increased independence they need to thrive at high school and beyond.

Our Y6 pupils are given a variety of roles and responsibilities such as daily jobs, Reading Rockstars, library duties and SSOC. We are proud of how they undertake these tasks and demonstrate growing maturity.

 In May, our pupils take Statutory Assessement Tests in Reading, Grammar Spelling & Punctuation and Maths.  This is the culmination of all of our hard work throughout Key Stage Two and we enjoy celebrating how much we have learnt over time.  

On this page, you'll find the presentation from our information evening and other useful information.  

What have we been up to in Year 6...?

From building birdhouses in D.T. to drama and improvisation in English, our amazing Robin Wood residential to performing our Christmas play, practical Science activities to an abundance of sporting events, this term has been jam packed and full of fun. We're very much looking forward to what the Spring Term has in store for us!

Love is in the air this Valentine's week in Year 6...Blind Date With a Book! Which blurb will take your fancy?

The children loved coming in to see the books waiting for them...some didn't even take their coats off before they chose their blind date!

English Homework

Set: 5/03/25

Due: 12/03/25

SPAG Booklet 4 Pages 6, 7, 8, 9

Commas and Inverted commas

Spelling Homework

Set: 5/03/25

Due: 12/03/25

Words ending in er, or, ar

JS Group 

  • Complete games on Spelling Shed
  • Find the definition for any unknown words
  • Find 5 other words that fit the rule
  • You may also do any further practice in the front of your spelling books

 MW Group  

  • Start on easy on Spelling Shed
  • Write down the 10 words and their definitions
  • Practise the words 5 times in your spelling book
  • Play at least 4 games on Spelling Shed


Homework Files

 Grammar homework booklet 4.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 Week 2 Words ending in '-er', '-or' and '-ar'.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Miss Scott's Math's Group

Set: 5/03/25

Due: 12/03/25

Ready? Set? Go! Pages 94 - 95

Subtracting Fractions 2

A useful website if you need any Maths help... 

Username: rowley

Password: angle

Important Information

 10 Spelling Activities to Do at Home.pdfDownload
 Calculation Policy.pdfDownload
 Helping your child to read.pdfDownload
 Long term overview 2024-25.pdfDownload
 Useful Websites for English.docx.pdfDownload
 Useful Websites for Maths.docx.pdfDownload
 Y6 100 Recommended Reads.pdfDownload
 Year 5 and 6 statutory spelling words.pdfDownload
 Year 6 Writing Checklist.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 10

Mr Warrington's Math's Group

Set 05/03/25

Due 12/03/25

Pages 160 & 161

Practise your arithmetic using the link below:


Homework Files

Please enter some files.