Rowley Lane, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 0JD



At Rowley Lane, we are always striving for children to reach their full potential across all subject areas.  There is no denying that key skills in English and Maths are important in children succeeding in their next phase of education and becoming independent, successful adults who will make a positive contribution to future society.  We are proud of the standards that our children achieve.   Although our results are looked at collectively on here, as staff we focus on the individuals and track their journey from the starting points, whatever they may be.

Below is a summary of our recent results from the end of phase statutory assessments.

Key for all graphs below


Rowley Lane (Blue)

Local Authority (Purple)

National (Magenta)

KS2 Reading Expected +

KS2 Reading Greater Depth

KS2 Writing Expected +

KS2 Writing Greater Depth

KS2 Maths Expected +

KS2 Maths Greater Depth

Reading, Writing, Maths Combined Expected +

Phonics Screening


Early Years Foundation Stage - Good Level of Development
Early Years Foundation Stage - Good Level of Development