Rowley Lane, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 0JD


Nursery - Angelfish Class

About Nursery.....

Nursery is a first step into school for your child.  In Nursery we offer flexible times to suit your lifestyle or working pattern.  You can choose anything from a minimum of the free 15 universal  hours up to 5 full days for those who are eligible for 30 hours free childcare.  More details on Nursery funding and how to apply can be found here on our admissions section of the online office page.  Coming to our Nursery does not give you greater priority to a school place here.   We work very closely with our on-site Pre-School who provide wrap-around care for Nursery children as well as day sessions.  Details about Pre-School can be found by clicking on the flyer below on this page.

In Nursery we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.  We are learning all of the time.  These skills give us a good grounding from which to start school. In Nursery we develop our communication skills, social skills, creativity, imagination and physical development and learn lots of new things along the way.  The Nursery team work to include the interests of the children within the opportunities provided alongside those within our long term plan.  

School Lunches

We can provide hot lunches for children in Nursery, meals are charged at £2.75 per day from September 2024. Children who choose this option need to have a school meal on all the days that they stay for lunch. The menus for Nursery children for the academic year 2024-2025 can be viewed below, the menu rotates every 2 weeks. 

Alternatively children can bring a packed lunch from home. 

Please feel free to contact staff for support:

Teaching staff emails:    


Important Information

 Preparing your child for nursery.pdfDownload
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Nursery Newsletter

Spring 2 Newsletter

 Autumn 1 newsletter.pdfDownload
 Autumn 2 newsletter .pdfDownload
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 Spring 1 newsletter new.pdfDownload
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Book of the week and Rhymes

Our Curriculum is based around a love of books and language. We identify focused texts ' Our book of the week ' and rhymes to promote listening and attention, vocabulary development and the children's own story telling. 

Our Fun Activities in Photos

Dough Disco

 All_about_dough_disco parents leaflet.docxDownload
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We are artists