Rowley Lane, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 0JD



AGM Information

At the recent AGM we celebrated the significant  efforts and contribution to all members of the PTA last year in organising some excellent community events and raising lots of money for our school.   

Newly elected roles are as follows:

Chair - Hannah Hill

Vice Chair - Natalie Dunkerley

Treasurer - Tara Pemberton

Secretary - Laura Bailey

Communications - Katie Kaye

Shopping - Emma Haigh

Grants - Claire Woodward

Documents for AGM

 What are the main roles and responsibilities of a PTA committee.pdfDownload
 Terms of reference letter September.pdfDownload
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Latest PTA Calendar Events

There are currently no events.

Calendars page(s): PTA Calendar >>

All parents and family members of children in our school are automatically members of our PTA.   We welcome you to any of the meetings or to support at the events.  Before you can support at events with children, we will need to carry out some safeguarding checks.  

The funds we raise go to help keep Rowley Lane the wonderful well-resourced school that it is.  We are always open to suggestions as to what to raise funds for however we decide together in conjunction with the school.  

See the images about to find out more about how much each event has raised on what money has been spent on.

Tara Pemberton and Katie Kaye co-chair the group.  Please see Rowley Lane PTA on Facebook or Instagram to keep you up to date with the latest news.

Images from PTA Events