Year 3 
P.E. days for the second Spring half term are:
Eagle Class - Monday and Thursday
Elephant Class - Monday and Wednesday.
A full and warm P.E. kit should be worn to school on P.E. days.
P.E. Kit should consist of a plain white T Shirt, navy blue or black bottoms and jumper, and dark coloured trainers.
Maths: Maths homework will be given out every Wednesday. To be returned the following Wednesday.
Spellings: Weekly spellings will be handed out each Monday. These will be glued into Spelling books and are also available on Spelling Shed.
The children will be tested the following Monday
Reading: Your child should read at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes.
Please record this in their Reading Record. Each time your child reads 3 times, their name will be put into a box to enter into a half termly prize.
About Year 3...
Eagle Class is taught by Mrs Vatani on Monday and Miss Rausse Tuesday - Friday
Elephant Class is taught by Mrs Dennis on Mon -Wed and Mrs Vatani Wed - Fri
Year 3 is our first year in Key Stage Two. It is a very exciting year with many new opportunities to help further develop our resilience and independence skills. We learn French as a new language, practise the recorder in Music and engage in wonderful topics including the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks.
Other exciting activities which also take place include Outdoor Learning Days, Cooking and after school events such as clubs and school discos.
Please find further information on this page about Year 3.
Please email the office during teaching hours, evenings and weekends.
Teacher emails: (Tues-Fri) (Mon-Wed) (Mon-Fri)
Important Dates 2024-25
Monday 24th February
Back to school.
Wednesday 26th February
Non-uniform (Sportswear). PTA Active Fitness Day.
Friday 28th February
Sammy's Project. Charity bags to school.
Thursday 6th March
World Book Day
Wednesday 19th March
Class photographs
Thursday 20th March
Year 3 Cooking. Ingredients are provided by school.
Friday 21st March
Red Nose Day
Thursday 27th March
Year 3 Musica Drum taster lessons
Important Information
Name | |
Calculation Policy ks2.pdf | Download |
Eagle Class Timetable 2024-25.pdf | Download |
Elephant Class Timetable 2024-25.pdf | Download |
Grammar-Glossary.pdf | Download |
Long term overview 2024-25.pdf | Download |
Recommended-Reads-Year-3-Checklist.pdf | Download |
Y3 4 Spellings.pdf | Download |
Y3 Reading Checklist.pdf | Download |
Year 3 Writing Checklist.pdf | Download |