Wellbeing Warriors & Playground Pals
At Rowley Lane, we recognise the importance of looking after and promoting positive mental health for staff and children. Children from Year 5 and 6 have the opportunity to become Wellbeing Warriors to help support the wellbeing of our school community. Their role is to look after people’s wellbeing throughout the school and make sure everyone is feeling happy and healthy.
Playground Pals
The Wellbeing Warriors take it in turns to be on duty in the playground as Playground Pals. They are a friendly, caring face and a buddy for anyone who might need help at playtimes. Before starting their role, the children received training and signed a Playground Pal promise.
They wear a green cap and a badge so they can be easily recognised.
Their role is to:
Be a positive role model
Promote a healthy lifestyle
Promote the 5 ways to wellbeing around school
Encourage children to talk, share and be kind to each other.
Be someone that can listen, support people and go to for help.
The 5 ways to wellbeing
One of the roles of the Wellbeing Warriors is to help encourage children to be mentally healthy around school by promoting the 5 Ways to Wellbeing.
Each half term, we focus on one area of wellbeing and share ideas with the school to help children meet this. The Wellbeing Warriors do this by holding an assembly and putting up posters in each classroom with activities that children can do both at home and at school.
Our Wellbeing focus for this term
This half term our wellbeing focus is: Keep learning
Learning plays an important part in our development, especially for children. It contributes to good self esteem, social skills, confidence and our mental wellbeing.
This half term, we would like you to think of something new that you could learn or do and then you can send a picture into school so that we can celebrate your achievement. There will also be time in the last week of half term for you to showcase your new skill or achievements with your class if you would like to. There are some ideas below if you need some inspiration. We are looking forward to seeing what you have learned. Have fun!
Juggling, Learn how to do a football skill or trick Knitting
Speak a few words or count to 10 in another language
Crotchet Interview an older relative to find out about their life
Follow a new recipe Virtually visit a country and find out about it
Learn the names of some of the star constellations
Learn some new tricky phonics words Learn a new song or dance to perform
Follow an art tutorial or learn to draw something new
Be a fashion designer and create something new! Visit a new place
Learn a first aid skill to teach your friends
Do some woodwork Try out a new sport
Learn British Sign Language Try a new food