Religious Education
At Rowley Lane we aim to teach RE lessons that create curiosity in the minds of our children so that they have a desire to learn about religion and worldviews. We want children to ask thoughtful and purposeful questions and, through their studies, to learn to be sensitive to diversity in our communities and the world.
At Rowley Lane we follow the Kirklees agreed RE syllabus ‘Believing and Belonging 2024-2029’ which is a comprehensive syllabus for Religious Education. We follow the detailed planning that supports this syllabus and adapt it in order to suit our school and our children. These lessons are differentiated and adapted to ensure that all children are included. Children are able to contribute to lessons, discussions and to share their thoughts.
The ‘Believing and Belonging’ syllabus enables learners to develop a broad and balanced understanding of religions/worldviews and empowers learners to develop and use critical thinking skills. It broadens perspectives of faiths and cultures, encouraging tolerance of diversity. Children are empowered to develop their own personal worldview, identity, values and spirituality. Through our teaching of RE children are given the opportunity to think about their positive contribution as citizens of the world.
The syllabus is designed around six learning pathways which act as the framework for sequencing learning in religion and worldviews. The syllabus ensures that prior learning is built on as the children progress through school.
These Pathways are:
Pathway 1: The Nature of Religion and Belief.
Pathway 2: Expressing Belief.
Pathway 3: A Good Life.
Pathway 4: Personal Journey.
Pathway 5: Influence and Authority.
Pathway 6: The Big Picture.