Rowley Lane, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 0JD


Art Curriculum

Art Curriculum Intent

At Rowley Lane, our intent is to provide a rich and exciting art, craft and design curriculum that allows children to develop their creativity, imagination and critical thinking skills.  We will engage, inspire and challenge pupils by introducing them to a range of techniques, materials, artists, craftspeople and designers.

 We believe that art is an essential part of a child’s education, as it fosters self-expression, confidence and emotional well-being. Our curriculum is designed to give all children the opportunity to explore, experiment and develop their own artistic style.

 We want our children to know that they are artists, craft-makers and designers!

Through our art curriculum, we aim to inspire children to develop a lifelong love of art and to recognise the importance of art in the world around them as well as having fun along the way.

'Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.’ – Mary Lou Cook


We will follow the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum to enable high quality art teaching, learning and practice. We will split the curriculum, teaching art for three half terms per academic year which will usually be shared with Design Technology. During the half terms where Design Technology is taught, we aim to continue develop our drawing skills with regular, short exercises.

Running alongside this, we have two exciting after school Art Clubs where pupils can continue to enrich and develop their experience of the subject. Our Arts Coordinator will deliver a club for 3 half terms a year to pupils across Key Stage 2. As well as this, Key Stage 1 will have access to a club run by the ‘Spinning Plates’ company.


Through our art curriculum, we aim to:


  • Provide opportunity to explore a range of art forms, including drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, textiles and digital media.
  • Develop children’s knowledge and understanding of art, including key artists, craftspeople and designers.
  • Foster children’s creativity, imagination and critical thinking skills, encouraging them to take risks and think outside the box.
  • Provide children with the skills and techniques needed to create high quality artwork, whilst also allowing them to experiment with different technique, materials and methods.
  • Help children to develop a sense of pride in their artwork, and to recognise the value as art as a means of self-expression and communication.

Pupil Voice

"Sometimes I feel like a sheep in a pen. In Art I feel like the pen is bigger and the boundaries are bigger". Year 4 

"We do art so people who want to be artist can be an artist. It’s fun!". Year 5.

"Everyone can be an artist. It doesn't matter how you draw. They all look different. They are all good in their own ways". Year 6.

School Displays

Autumn Art Club Years 5-6

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Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Video Clips

Year 4

Year 6